The Book of Eli

Thursday, March 25, 2010

In a time when the things we take for granted are being fought for and sometimes to kill for. The movie, the book of eli tells a fictional future when one man fights for a book that became so important for him to protect, that he is given not just permission but extraordinary skills to kill.

Its been almost thirty years and the world has become a wasteland after the war. With few people left and almost depleted resources, the rest of the population resort to extreme means to survive, some eat human meat, others kill and some scavenge on whatever it is that is useful. during this time, Eli has been walking across America, and with his gift he kills anyone who tries to him.

Upon his travel, he comes across a town ruled by Carnegie who uses bikers in search of a certain book. Eli then comes into trouble in the local bar and kills everyone inside. Seeing this Carnegie tries to win over Eli not just because of his skills but also, because Eli is literate. Despite Eli's refusal Carnegie sends Solara to seduce Eli, but is turned downed once again. Instead Eli invites her to share his food and prays before eating. After eating, Solara see's the book that Eli is reading but is Eli kept it away.

Solara then tries to imitate the prayer with her mother and was seen by Carnegie, Carnegie then asks the book that Eli has and tells that it has a cross. This sparks Carnegie to pursue Eli and his book while Solara tags along Eli, hoping to have a better life. During the pursuit, Eli and Solara comes across a house where an old couple lives, Carnegie finds them in the house and both exchange gun shots, with Eli loosing and Carnegie acquiring the book, but not without looses. Eli being left alone and being shot continues to go south, while SOlara after being successful in releasing herself from Carnegie follows Eli and both continue their jouney until they come across Alcatraz.

There, Eli asks the caretaker to gather paper as he muster his strength to re-tell the book that he had kept and read for almost thirty years. What he kept and remembered were the words from the Bible, and despite Carnegie holding the only copy of the book, he is unable to read it because the words are in braile, Eli dies after successfully dictating the entire Bible.

The Book of Eli, is a fascinating story of faith while maintaining that sense of action in a film that we all love.


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