Peace at last, or so I thought...

Friday, July 11, 2008

One of the biggest event for our Department has just ended and all that's left is cleaning the mess we have just made. Almost everybody took a time out as soon as they could, including me. I took a day off the first day that I could, I missed myself and now is the time to go forward and face another challenge. The last few days left me battered, drained and wasted, but it also gave me memories that could last a life time, an exprience that only a handful of people could get and new realities that only few people had the blessing to discover.

By the time I came home after ten days I felt it was just yesterday that I left. Everything was normal, too normal. All my stuff were still in same place as they were ten days ago, and my family greeted me as if I wasn't gone for a long while. One part of me felt relief, because nothing happened nothing needed my attention, but one part also felt lonely, it wasn't like before when I was only gone for a few hours and yet when I came back they greeted me as if I was gone for a year. Maybe they have become mature and self sufficient, I'd like to think about that and nothing more.

It took almost a year to prepare for that event but problems still arose, problems that could have been prevent but we can't change that anymore, what's done is done and all we could do is either repair the damage done or minimize the impact. After a long while I felt a bit of peace, now I can visit my special someone, be with my family and most especially be myself again. The person who at times wants to be with himself but at the same time enjoys the company of love ones, the person who loves to laugh and yet keeps a serious side close by.

I want to relax but I guess we can't have all that we want, and sometimes we might even have to sweat blood just to have it, but no matter what, the most important thing is for us to be happy, and despite the mistakes, problems, headaches, and all things worse, I still am happy. Happy for the accomplishment, for the experience, for the lessons learned, and most of all, I'm happy because it's over and finally we can take on new challenges.


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