Sweet and Spicy Shrimp

Monday, March 30, 2009

Here is one of my favorite and perfected dish, which I haven't done in a while, Sweet and Spicy Shrimp. My version is probably the simplified version without compromising the taste. Here are a few of the ingredients that used. Of course shrimp,

What I did here is that I peeled the shrimps skin but you should not throw the skin away.

You'll also need your spices, the most basic being sugar, pepper,salt, garlic, and chili.

Butter, for this type of dish i would recommend the unsalted butter, and just enough to give that creamy texture...

Tomato sauce for color and to add a bit of flavor.

Here is one of the most important ingredient, clear soda, never use flavored or colored soda. Soda is for family consumption but the best substitute is vodka, to give a slight kick in your meal. As you noticed I didn't give any amount,not that its a secret but Ithe amounts actually differ based on your preference.


1. pour the soda in a pan to heat slightly, use low heat.
2. Add shrimp skin and let it boil until the color of the liquid and the skin changes. If skin is orange and the liquid gets darker, remove the skin and throw it away.
3. add the shrimps and let it cook until the color changes to orange.
4. add the butter, sugar, a dash of salt and pepper.
5. add garlic and chili and let it boil for a couple of minutes under low heat.
6. add tomato sauce and stir lightly, add salt, sugar and pepper as desired and serve.

Very simple but very delicious meal


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