some of us spends almost 1/3 of our time sleeping, making the bedroom one of the most integral part of our home. And every hard working individual deserves a bedroom with a nice bed. As I surf through the internet i stumbled upon a log furniture site which previews a lot of furniture and specially my beloved bed. Browsing through the site showed me a wide array of log furniture's of which I'm sure anybody can find something to love and you can even order them through the site itself.
Now back to our bed, here is the type of bed that I would love in my home:
A very nice elegant log king size bed, according to the website the type of wood used is Walnut Mainframe and Tiger Maple Accents giving this bed a sense of being one with nature, making a good stress reliever and not just a place to sleep. If you want to know more you can visit the site at the URL:
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